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Let's Get Around Yogya

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Let's Get Around Yogya
Yogyakarta is a relatively small city, so travelling around town should not be too expensive.

By Taxi
Yogyakarta's taxis are metered and nowadays most taxi drivers are trustworthy. Flagfall is Rp 5500 and most trips around the center of town should not cost more than Rp 15,000. After dark the minimum fare for a taxi is Rp 10,000 even if the meter reads less that Rp 10,000. If by chance you find a taxi driver that you feel comfortable with and trustworthy, ask for his cellular phone number so that next time you need to travel you can call directly to his cell phone and arrange your travel needs. Most taxi drivers will be more than happy to do this.

By Trishaw ( Becak )
Traditional three-wheeled and pedal-powered cart, known as becak, which can be found in most part of Yogyakarta. Haggle furiously before getting into the becak. Be sure to determine whether the price is for a one-way or return (pulang) trip and if you want the driver to wait whilst you conduct your shopping or business. A ride from within the city to the Malioboro shopping precinct should not cost more than Rp 20,000.

By Horse Cart ( Andong )
Traditional horse-pulled carts, known as andong, or dokar, wait for tourists outside hotspots like the train station, the Kraton and Mal Malioboro. Haggle furiously. The traditional route is from Jalan Malioboro to Keraton, and this is where you'll find most andong. Usually, andong opt to take you to shop for fake Dagadu t-shirt in Ngasem area with hefty prices. Then, andong will take you back to your initial journey. The cost for one round trip for andong is Rp 20,000 (twenty thousand rupiahs). Usually they ask for Rp 30,000 but they may settle for less. Andong can accommodate up to 5 adult passengers.

By bus
Medium and small size buses are the main public transport in Yogyakarta.
There are two kind of bus: regular and patas. Patas buses, known as TransJogja operates from 6AM to 10PM and stops only at designated shelters. Unlike regular buses, TransJogja is air-conditioned and generally safer. Tickets can be purchased directly at the shelters and cost for single trip is Rp 3000. Passengers may purchase regular trip cards which cuts per tip cost to Rp 2700, and allows transit to other shelter.

Regular buses normally operates from 6AM to 5PM, and some long routes extend their operation until 9PM. Please never bring anything valuable on public buses, pickpockets in buses are now more common than ever before. Cost for single trip is Rp 2500 regardless of distance (within the city). Usually on a bus there will be one driver and one helper who will hang from the side of the bus and handle money and try to get passengers. The helper will usually tap you on the shoulder to indicate you should pay him. If there is no helper you can pay the driver directly. When you are ready to get off a bus, tell the driver or helper "Kiri," which means left.

3 comments to “Let's Get Around Yogya”

  • May 25, 2010 at 7:06 PM
    BlogCamp says:

    Saya minggu kemarin bermalam di Jogya lho nduk
    Nginep di Hotel Abadi dekat Malioboro
    sayangnya malam itu hujan, jadi nggak bisa jalan2 di malioboro.
    Blogmu yahuud.

    Salam hangat dari BlogCamp yang sedang menggelar acara " Ungkapkan Opini Anda" dengan hadiah yang menarik dalam rangka menyambut 1st BlogCamps Anniversary. Silahkan bergabung nduk.

  • May 25, 2010 at 7:12 PM
    Plesiran says:

    Jadi ingat waktu sekolah di Magelang dulu.
    Kalau malam minggu jalan2 ke Jogya.

    Salam hangat dari Plesiran- blog untuk mempromosikan pariwisata daerah anda secara gratis. Jika artikel dimuat maka pengirimnya akan mendapatkan tapi asih berupa sebuah buku yang menarik dan bermanfaat. Silahkan bergabung dengan Plesiran.
    Terima kasih

  • May 25, 2010 at 10:11 PM
    Unknown says:

    Wah..agan2 blogger ada disini semua. Makasih banget atas kunjungan dan komentnya Pak. Support dan bimbingannya aku harapkan sekali. On progress dan blognya masih banyak kekurangan konten. Karena blognya pake Inggris, jadi agak susah ngedit copasannya...hihihi. Makasih semuanya!


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