How great I am to be here again. This mess always kill me. Now I'm back and wanna share you about unique kinds of fruit called "Buah Naga" or Dragon fruit.
Don't think about Chinese myth creature when you heard about this fruit. It's really there and can you find in Yogyakarta. It about 22 kilometers to south from Yogyakarta. It's in Glagah Sari Beach resort. You you're here, you'll find a wide area full of Dragon Fruit.
Dragon fruit now has become Americans favored. Because besides tastes good can also stabilize blood sugar, and increase stamina. Unless it can to restore the performance of cardiac nerves.
So, dont't forget to try to taste Dragon fruit or you'll fell lose. See you in Yogya!
Belon pernah nyoba, katanya sih manis. Di super market juga ada. Larang regone....
kalo lagi musim...di pinggir jalan juga ada tuch...asal jalannya di Yogya...hehe
Takut beli...takut ketagihan..mahal!
salam knl kawanku.......
skalian follow di blog ini....
jgnlupa untuk follow balik ya
nice info gan
ini buah enak bisa dibuat jus.... ditunggu ya postingan berikutnya & kunjungan balasan + comment sobat
Di Glagah? emang ada budidaya Buah Naga?
Disebelah mananya?
bisa share tentang budidayanya?
Salam Kenal
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