This noodle is called "Penthil" because the it's looks like a wind blower of bicycle . That tablets, red rubber on the tire valve on the system the past years. For the time being, tires with "pentil" been rarely used.
Made from the starch, making this noodle was springy and resilient. It was so salty to eat it with a pinch sambel need companionship. There are two types of noodles, a yellow and white. The yolk was bigger and thicker than white, it's the same.
It's really simple snack to be enjoyed when you get in Yogya. Don't spend much money to taste this Culinary. It's very cheap, not more than one thousand rupiahs to try it.
These snacks can be found at seputaran Beringharjo market. Or even in a place called Angkringan.
kayanya enak nih..
baru tau nich kalau ada bakmi pake nama seperti ini...sepertinya sekali suap nich
hehe...sekali suap bisa mele...pedes banget!
aq kangen yg satu ini neh, dsini gak da yg jual.. bakmi pentil" seperti namanya mie'nya juga ulet..elastis kaya' pentil sepeda haaha... pedes"nya hmmm..
ga lebih dari seribu rupiah? pasti porsinya kecil ya...kayaknya mesti makan beberapa bungkus baru kenyang....pasti yummy ya..
Angkringan itu dimana say ?
hehe..enak kayanya..jadi laper ni.
didn't heard about it, do you have any idea about the ingredients of this?
hmmm... enak bgt nih keliatanya.... kapan2 klo ke jogya mau nyobain ah... :)
Salam kenal sahabat.. :)
I wish U visit my blog to be my friend.. ^_^
looks like delicious..