As a staple food java is mi mi, mi can be yellow (wet / dry), white noodles or vermicelli, chicken, vegetables like green onions, leaf sledri, caisim, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.. Marinade a bit different with china noodles or other noodles, among other distinctive flavor that no candle, prawn or shrimp. Besides these ingredients, there are also garlic, onion, pepper, and others. It depends on how to choose the fresh ingredients. Come to Yogya and serve you with Bakmie Jowo...!!
Which ones do you choose, boiled or fried Bakmie Jowo
As a staple food java is mi mi, mi can be yellow (wet / dry), white noodles or vermicelli, chicken, vegetables like green onions, leaf sledri, caisim, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.. Marinade a bit different with china noodles or other noodles, among other distinctive flavor that no candle, prawn or shrimp. Besides these ingredients, there are also garlic, onion, pepper, and others. It depends on how to choose the fresh ingredients. Come to Yogya and serve you with Bakmie Jowo...!!
muantap...mau dong..lg laper nih
your blog is very good and many information about yogyakarta in here, i missed you yogya
satu porsi ama es teh jadi berapa harganya...
hehehehhehe...jadi ngiler pengen nyoba
bakmi jowo wae mbak..hehee...blognya bagus en sukses aja..
its seem so delicious..:)
aq lebih suka bakmi jowo yg berkuah, pedesss n porsi dikit.. hmmmm.. yummmy!
Hmmm, that all looks good! Your blog is great and makes me hungry!
yang di foto namanya mie godog kan ya...enak tuh...dimakan pas masih panas....wuiiihhhh....jadi laper....